Silent Auction Results

The auction results are in! We can’t express what this means to our journey to make sure this movie is seen.

We will be contacting the winners this week. Congratulations and thank you all for your support.

1 copy “Classical Fear Conditioning” by Fly Spinach Fly – Carissa G
1 copy “Classical Fear Conditioning” by Fly Spinach Fly – Denise W
1 copy of “Insatiable/Semper Fi” 45 by Fly Spinach Fly on green vinyl – John M
1 copy of “Insatiable/Semper Fi” 45 by Fly Spinach Fly on green vinyl – Brian S
1 complete Thanks To Gravity catalog (CD’s) signed by the band – Meredith H
1 copy of “Start” and “Sonata Brutalle” by Thanks to Gravity – Bill P
1 copy of “Start” and “Sonata Brutalle” by Thanks to Gravity – Meredith H
1 copy of rare Say Zuzu “Live in Germany” double disc/DVD – Joan H
1 Groovechild tambourine-signed by band – Doug B
1 cassette copy of “Sick at Last” by Groovechild-signed by band – Lisa M
1 Groovechild caricature t-shirt by Bob Nilsson-signed by band – Jo Ann P
1 one hour guitar lesson with Bryan Killough – Jonathon M
1 one hour guitar lesson with Jon McCormack – John M
1 one hour bass lesson with Tim McCoy – Marc D
1 signed copy of Groovechild’s “House of Life” – Ben S
1 signed copy of Groovechild’s “House of Life” – Keith B
1 signed copy of Groovechild’s “House of Life” – Bill P
1 cassette copy of “Hungry” by Gandhi’s Lunchbox – Karlina L
1 Ghandi’s Lunchbox T-shirt – Mike M

IDOBD Movie Tickets and T-shirts!

As of Tuesday, more than 550 tickets had been sold to this Friday’s event. So I grabbed Mike Venn we raced over to the Music Hall to my our tickets before we missed the boat!

With media buzz building this week, we expect a packed house. You can buy tickets on line at the box office this week (open noon to 6) or on the Music Hall website.

And as a reminder, t-shirt sales at the event will be cash only ($20).

See you Friday night!

Karlina Lyons, Producer

Silent Auction Items Revealed for the Jan 27 Benefit Event

It’s time for the big reveal!

We have more auction items coming in every day.  Do you want to donate an item? Contact us by Thursday!

You won’t want to miss these, so get your bids ready for Friday night!

2 copies of “Classical Fear Conditioning” by Fly Spinach Fly – autographed by all band members

2 copies of “Insatiable/Semper Fi” 45 by Fly Spinach Fly on green vinyl

1-2 complete Thanks To Gravity catalog (CD’s) signed by the band

2 copies of “Sonata Brutalle” by Thanks to Gravity

2 copies of limited edition “Start” by Thanks to Gravity (Capitol Records Release)

1 copy of rare Say Zuzu “Live in Germany” double disc/DVD

1 Groovechild tambourine – signed by band

1 cassette copy of “Sick at Last” by Groovechild – signed by band

1 Groovechild caricature t-shirt by Bob Nilsson – signed by band

1 one hour guitar lesson with Bryan Killough

1 one hour guitar lesson with Jon McCormack

1 one hour bass lesson with Tim McCoy

We’re In The Spotlight

In Danger of Being Discovered got a nice write-up today from the Seacoast Online News Spotlight.

You can read the full article at their site.

We are so excited for the benefit on the 27th! Have you gotten your tickets yet?

Download the print version of the article – Almost famous_ Film looks back at the Seacoast’s ’90s music scene _ SeacoastOnline – here.

In Danger of Being Discovered Benefit Evening

Hatchling Studios and Two Twentytwo Films announce a night of music, film and fundraising for feature documentary In Danger of Being Discovered.
PORTSMOUTH, NH -Producers Marc Dole, Michael Venn, Karlina Lyons and Jon McCormack announce a standout music and film event at The Music Hall on January 27, 2012. If you saw the short film at the New Hampshire Film Festival and wanted more, or if you missed it – this is your chance to be part of local music history with this benefit to raise the funds necessary to bring this film to life.If you thought the feature length film was enough reason to come out, think again!
Groovechild and Thanks to Gravity will be performing in a line-up we haven’t seen since the 90’s. This will be a rare treat for local music fans who haven’t heard their favorite bands play together in over a decade. Gather together in support of your local music scene and local film, participate in the Silent Auction and 50/50 Raffle, get your hands on first edition film merchandise, and meet members of the bands.
Silent Auction items include private concerts, jam sessions with some of the bands, special messages, limited edition music releases and more. A full list of Silent Auction items will be released on the website and Facebook page in January.  There will also be additional perks for our high level donors which will be revealed before the event. This is a can’t miss occasion!

Funds from the benefit will go toward festival submissions and related expenses, film production costs, marketing costs and finding distribution for the film. Invest in your local music and film family and help the Portsmouth Music Scene finally see the spotlight it so richly deserves.

Find out  more about the film by following @IDoBDMovie on Twitter, “liking” the film page on Facebook or visiting the website.

Purchase your tickets at The Music Hall box office or on their web site
Marketing and Media Contact:
Leslie Poston, Magnitude Media, 603-766-1970 (email)
Film and Technical Contact:
Michael Venn, TwoTwentytwo Films (email)
Marc Dole, Hatchling Studios (email)